Online Banking Maintenance Alert - Our Online Banking will undergo scheduled maintenance on Sunday, February 23rd between 6:00 AM until approximately 12:00 PM CT. During this time you will not be able to access your Online Banking account. Our team is working diligently to ensure that this maintenance is completed as quickly as possible, and we thank you for your patience.

Stopping Payments

If you would like to cancel a check, either give us a call at 319-339-1000 or 800-397-3790 or follow along the steps listed below. If you would like to stop an electronic payment please give us a call at 319-339-1000 or 800-397-3790.

Stopping Payment on a Check

  1. Login to online banking from our homepage.
  2. Once signed into online banking click or tap on the Services tab.
  3. Now click or tap on the Stop Payment sub menu option.
  4. Here you will be asked the following:
    • Single Check or Multiple Checks
    • Account
    • Check number
    • Payee name
    • Amount
    • Date the check
  5. Once the stop payment is submitted the check will no longer be able to be cashed or deposited. 

Stopping Payment on an ACH or Electronic payment

We can only stop payment on ACH transactions (electronic payments using your account and routing numbers) that have cleared your account in the past at least one time. If the electronic payment has never cleared your account before then you would need to contact the merchant or business to request they cancel the payment on their end.

We are not able to stop any electronic payments paid through your GreenState bill pay. 

What is the Fee to stop a payment?

The fee to stop payment on a check is $29.50 plus Tax.