Online Banking Update February 2020

Online Banking Update February 2020

Quick Links Menu in the Mobile App
Improved Accessibility
Making Edits to Recurring and Future Payments
Apple Watch Compatibility

Online banking and the GreenState mobile app will be temporarily offline on Wednesday Februrary 12th from 6:00am - 11:00am while we upgrade our software to support these and other changes.

Quick Links Menu in the Mobile App

Frequently used Quick Links are conveniently available on the home dashboard in the Mobile app. Simply tap each link to be routed to its dashboard.

Screen shot example of Quick Links in mobile app

Making Edits to Recurring and Future Payments

Recurring or Future Payments can now be edited by using the Edit option in the Actions Menu.

For example, Recurring Transactions can be found in the Activity Center. Click the 3 dots next to a transaction to expand the Actions Menu. Click Edit Series.

Select Activity center and then edit series

An Edit window will appear and changes may be made here. Updating recurring transfers will affect all future transfers including already scheduled or authorized transfers.

Edit recurring transfer screen shot

Click Transfer Funds at the bottom of the window to save changes.

Press transfer funds button to save changes

Apple Watch Compatibility

Accounts and transactions can now be viewed using an Apple Watch.

First, the Apple Watch feature needs to be enabled through the Online Banking App.

  1. Tap the green Menu button in the top left corner
  2. Choose Settings from the Menu. Tap Apple Watch.
  3. The feature is turned off by default. To turn the feature on, simply tap the toggle switch.

Screen shot showing apple watch setting in GreenState app

Next, Install the GreenState app using an iPhone after the feature has been turned on in the mobile app. Tap install:
Apple watch apps page

The GreenState app will show under the Installed on Apple Watch list after installing:
Enable GreenState app

The GreenState app should now be accessible on the Apple Watch.

apple watch app icons

Swipe left and right to scroll through and view different Account Balances.

Apple watch account balance examples

You can then view the 10 most recent transactions for each account by tapping on the Watch screen and swiping up and down to scroll through the transactions list.

Apple watch recent transaction example