Online Banking Maintenance Alert - Our Online Banking will undergo scheduled maintenance on Sunday, February 23rd between 6:00 AM until approximately 12:00 PM CT. During this time you will not be able to access your Online Banking account. Our team is working diligently to ensure that this maintenance is completed as quickly as possible, and we thank you for your patience.
Debit card fraud can be a scary subject. We’re never going to tell you not to worry about fraud, but if something happens, we’ve got your back.
We've built a lot of features to stop fraud in its tracks. You can opt-in to receive transaction push notifications so you can see each transaction moments after it’s made. You can also block and unblock your card whenever you need.
If, despite these preventive measures, fraud should occur on your account, you’re protected—your GreenState card is covered by MasterCard's Zero Liability policy, and you aren’t liable for unauthorized transfers either, as long as you report them promptly. Finally, GreenState's support team will do everything they can to help you through the situation. Just give us a call at 319-339-1000 or 800-397-3790 and we'll take it from there.
To help us protect you from fraud, it’s important that you keep your PIN, password, and Login ID private, and that you notify us promptly after any unauthorized activity takes place.
If we are not notified within 60 days of the date the statement showing the unauthorized charges is made available to you, you may be liable for the full amount.