Vote Here

Vote now for your Board of Directors
Voting is now open for our 2025 Board of Directors election! Voting is open and closes on April 17. Final voting and results will be announced at the 86th Annual Meeting on April 22. The meeting will be held virtually, and you may register to attend at any time.

Contactless Payments

Enjoy the same level of security with contactless payments as you would using a card's chip. Contactless payments use many layers of security including tokenization, encryption, and Near Field Communication (NFC) technology that allows for secure data transfer and payment authorization without contact between a card and terminal.

Add your GreenState card to your Mobile Wallet

Add your credit or debit card to your Mobile Wallet for contactless payments in-store, fast checkout online, and smooth mobile app purchases. Setup is easy:

iPhone Users

  1. Tap Wallet
  2. Tap “+”
  3. Scan Card
  4. Follow GreenState Verification Steps

Google Pay Users

  1. Open Google Pay App
  2. Tap “Card” Button
  3. Tap “Add Payment Method”
  4. Scan Card
  5. Follow GreenState Verification Steps
How Contactless Payments Work

Verify your credit or debit card is equipped with the EMVCo Contactless Indicator.
Locate the EMVCo Contactless Symbol at checkout.
Tap your card or open and tap your Mobile Wallet to complete payment.